Thousand Flowers Deer Supplement Chart

This is the supplement chart for the deer version of the tapestry smalls featured in A Thousand Flowers.
This supplement consists of three versions of the deer chart - one with colored blocks and symbols, one with b&w symbols only, and one with colored symbols.
Please be aware that there is no color & symbol key, materials & thread list, or stitching and finishing tips. The supplement contains only the charts for the deer version. To complete the deer tapestry small with the color choices as shown, you must own a copy of A Thousand Flowers: Four Tapestry Smalls.
For color & symbol keys, print any key on any chart from the original e-book, A Thousand Flowers. All the colors & symbols for all the charts are the same.
You can read about the original four tapestry smalls in this article on Needle 'n Thread.
You can read about the deer tapestry small here.
You can purchase the original e-book for A Thousand Flowers here.
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